
One Comment

  1. Posted August 3, 2022 at 9:29 pm | Permalink

    On the waters edge just out of sight,
    It’s colour reminds me of a deep dark night,
    I spent in the hollow of my mind,
    Let me tell you how I did find,
    A reminder to always share what is precious,
    That is to say, love always finds a way,
    The measure of which I cannot bear,
    Muscle and skin wold surely tear,
    So let it be and wander on your path of surely truth,
    Find a way, adopt the attitude of a sleuth,
    In the meantime the purple is red,
    With a hint of blue and yes I do,
    Try is all, someday there will be an answer to my call,
    I’m here to stay, I must have my way, just listen,
    For it’s just a whisper so bend your ear,
    It’s only me have no fear.
    Anthony Mc Gann.

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