Always there with a hand to lend, alas the time has come to bade farewell, you’ve impressed me with a tale to tell, about a lucky girl who made the grade, totally self made, never shall I ever forget, thus moving on with some regret, your spirit of always giving, a gift from the living, all the while you smile, a charming effect, with total respect, no doubt we’ll meet every now and then, until when ? Only time will tell, wish me well.
Anthony MC Gann.
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Always there with a hand to lend, alas the time has come to bade farewell, you’ve impressed me with a tale to tell, about a lucky girl who made the grade, totally self made, never shall I ever forget, thus moving on with some regret, your spirit of always giving, a gift from the living, all the while you smile, a charming effect, with total respect, no doubt we’ll meet every now and then, until when ? Only time will tell, wish me well.
Anthony MC Gann.