Leaping Bull

One Comment

  1. Posted April 11, 2024 at 6:25 pm | Permalink

    Fire Power;
    The measure of a tribe, the bribe,
    Along with the will to kill,
    In fact all the ills,
    That are inherent in the minds of those,
    Who wish to rule at any cost,
    Paying no mind to the right for life,
    To exist on its own terms,
    But ordinary people are merely germs,
    On the bodies of the pseudo pure,
    The ones who have the freedom to exploit,
    Those with the appetite, for control,
    Of the mass and it came to pass,
    Moving in line to the beat of the drum,
    The only sound you can hear is the fear,
    Not a hum but a blight,
    Across their eyes, new to science,
    Even if there is such a thing,
    That close scrutiny should bring about a respect,
    Not deserving in some case,
    But then where does it lead,
    With leaden tones I plead,
    On the other hand I know,
    That if you have a bigger gun you run the show,
    So good luck, so as from now on,
    I don‘t give a fuck.

    Anthony Mc Gann.
    10/04/24. 19.55.

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