Apart ;-
Society has a structure, Of which I play no part, Where do I start ? No voice, no choice, no give a shit who I am, only human after all, deep feelings, deep hurt, from the mountain I did fall, knowledge with a need to know, as to what hatch do I go ? Give me answer if you will, only if you have time to kill, also with the will, to tell the truth, you see I’m a bit of a sleuth, older and wiser with time to spare, listen if you care ! A chance would enhance already I got, forget me not, I’m not gone away, may I say, not without help, do you hear a dog Yelp ? Body language gives a clue, as to what to do, alive and kicking, my wounds am I licking , no more on the floor, just to sit in company talking, along the beach go walking, splendid breeze, makes me feel at ease, sit quiet for a while, like when you were a chile, to forget the wrong and always stay strong.
Anthony MC Gann.
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Apart ;-
Society has a structure, Of which I play no part, Where do I start ? No voice, no choice, no give a shit who I am, only human after all, deep feelings, deep hurt, from the mountain I did fall, knowledge with a need to know, as to what hatch do I go ? Give me answer if you will, only if you have time to kill, also with the will, to tell the truth, you see I’m a bit of a sleuth, older and wiser with time to spare, listen if you care ! A chance would enhance already I got, forget me not, I’m not gone away, may I say, not without help, do you hear a dog Yelp ? Body language gives a clue, as to what to do, alive and kicking, my wounds am I licking , no more on the floor, just to sit in company talking, along the beach go walking, splendid breeze, makes me feel at ease, sit quiet for a while, like when you were a chile, to forget the wrong and always stay strong.
Anthony MC Gann.