
One Comment

  1. Posted June 20, 2024 at 7:21 am | Permalink

    That time again, medication time, where would we be without it, a couple of pills and you be fine, that’s until you up the dose, not too much or you’ll come close, to the edge of no return, all the milligrams you’ll burn, with no effect, they’ve outgrown there use, I need to reduce,

    Dependency, all I had was piles, you try walk the miles, with your hole on fire, I had to go, bite the bullet, my sleeve halfway down my gullet, a screaming howl, then plop the pain recedes, my medication please, bite marks all over the door, my jocks on the floor,

    Hang on there, till I comb my hair, where was I , The drugs, the more they make the more we take, for fuck sake, a pill for every ill, until, the well runs dry,
    Ideas are thin on the ground, no more chemicals to be found, we’ll try this mix, this oughta fix, let’s up sticks, change the name, I know there up to their tricks,
    But let’s face it, do I need all this shit, is this it ?
    In the meantime I’ll repeat my script,
    Until the lie me in a crypt.
    Anthony Mc Gann.
    22/5/24. 06.19.

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