
One Comment

  1. Posted July 6, 2024 at 3:29 pm | Permalink

    Early morning ;
    Things are quiet and still , just me the gulls and the sparrows tweeting away , a little bit of heaven as they say , it’s the time to think and reflect , while giving respect , I always give thanks and praise , on the horizon the sun is beginning to raise , my mind starts to float , never get out of the boat , unless you’re going all the way , drifting into the sounds , that are all around , the rustle of leaves on the tree’s , due to the gentle breeze , everything to me becomes crystal clear , maybe because the time of year , its coming into summer , winter can be such a bummer , the days are beginning to stretch , the birds have nothing on their minds but to go and fetch , food to feed their brood , pure joy to observe , the young fledglings as they follow their parents around , vibrating their wings as they are fed morsels found somehow from the ground ,all of this and much more besides , brings me closer to the spirit in the skies , although its chilly because the sun is still low , to my easel I’ve gotta go , to relive these moments of pure joy , like a child whose been given a bran new toy .
    Anthony Mc Gann
    5/7/24. 06.19.

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