Angel helper with harp.
Name Angel helper with harp.
Price, EUR
Status For sale
Size, 50×40 cm
Year made 8/08
Edition Original
Style Modern
Media oil paint
Oil on canvas
Name Angel helper with harp.
Price, EUR
Status For sale
Size, 50×40 cm
Year made 8/08
Edition Original
Style Modern
Media oil paint
Oil on canvas
One Comment
Before I painted this I was feeling very depressed,so I went[as I often do] to the hugh lane gallery for inspiration,where i happened on a talk of irish symbolism in art, came home put the canvas up and painted this off the top of my head,it was only later on looking at it for a while,That i realised what it was.Never fear the angels are alway’s around to help you in times of need.This is what i love about my art it keeps me in touch and lets me know whats going on around me, although I might not realise it at the time.