

One Comment

  1. Posted December 11, 2016 at 4:26 pm | Permalink


    The sun is shining from low on the distant
    Horizon with it’s warmth not touching me,
    But it’s rays bring to life the surrounding
    Landscape, nowhere else I’d rather be,
    A heavy shower has just passed over
    Which causes all around to glisten,
    Then a little Robin starts to sing, so faintly
    You have to stop and very intently listen,
    What had been so very drab and tightly wrapped
    to guard from the northerly breeze,
    Is now more relaxed and shining, and feeling
    So much more at ease,
    Raindrops hang from every Berry and leaf,
    They shine like diamonds I stare in disbelief,
    What was once flat and cold, held tightly
    By frost and so very silent,
    Is now relaxed and breathing in the fresh
    Morning air as it was meant,
    These moments of lucidity that overcome
    Me always in times like this,
    Brings me to my knees to say thanks for my life
    As this is something I will always miss,
    But when the time comes for my spirit to leave
    This body which has served me well,
    My spirit shall re-emerge, exactly where,
    Who knows for only time can tell.
    Anthony Mc Gann. 8/12/2016. 12.37pm.

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