
One Comment

  1. Posted November 11, 2022 at 6:21 am | Permalink

    Why am I running away;-
    Easy for you to say, have you lost your way ? Nowhere left to run! I’ve had my fun, been called scum, Time is the issue , time spent, hell bent , on finding the answer, you’ve got to be a bit of a chancer, behold my hand and palm, staggered lines the words of a psalm, heaven help the runners grip, big likely hood he’ll slip and fade, away and go, nice and slow, walk instead of run, shuffle instead of pace, reality instead of space, but forward most of all, with sound mind and spirit tall, hear my call, bounty my destination, some appreciation, of my work this long while, that brings a smile, but yet another mile or so, excuse me I have to go.
    Anthony Mc Gann.

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