
One Comment

  1. Posted July 16, 2024 at 5:10 pm | Permalink

    Love conquers all;
    Believe and thus it will be, your hearts content, a life spent in the art of giving and forgiving, trust that was built, without the guilt, with blood the pledge was given, when in love you are finally livin, sweep away the past, pray it will last, then go, nice and slow, into the power of love, with blessings from above, walk into colour, the vivid dreams and such, I do love so very much, just to belong, feeling strong, but heed this warning, I say it true, don’t forget the colour blue, broken glass with sharp, play me the harp, sing the song of peace, your spirit release, then climb the mountain, on top is a fountain, overflowing with joy, the likes of which you couldn’t buy, love is the key, open your mind and you will see.
    Anthony MC Gann.

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