
One Comment

  1. Posted May 19, 2022 at 6:16 pm | Permalink

    Standing at the gate, I wait, for the sound of a call, reverbing around this valley and hills, until, the silence gets too much to bear, pulling out my hair, let’s be fair ! He who seeks shall find, are you outa your mind ?, its the reason you see, let it be, for to worry would be folly, deck the hall’s with holly, to have purpose is the grail, many did fail, sleeping satellite eventually will fade, but look you got it made ! Every day the same question, can I make a suggestion? Why do I try, why do I cry, what becomes of the broken, here I have a token, let me pass, I see green grass, pastures new, with you I grew, now sure time marches on, tomorrow I be gone.
    Anthony MC Gann.

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