
Oil paint

One Comment

  1. Posted December 22, 2017 at 5:11 pm | Permalink

    This is funny, as always I was up early to catch the sunrise in the park and this particular morning as I was walking through the tree’s I spotted this little setting, took out my iPhone and took a pic and made a quick sketch, got back to my studio and only then did I realise what I had come upon, a pair of sycamore seeds giving each other a final kiss as they were about to go there separate ways to grow and if they were lucky reach maturity, but if you look again they are doing it on the sly because who do you think is behind them on her hands and knee’s looking for them but mother nature herself , so say no more a match made in heaven and I wish them all the best of luck as they have a good chance in Ard Gillan.

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