Purple Bird

One Comment

  1. Posted November 14, 2022 at 6:22 am | Permalink

    God be with the days :-
    When I had a life, even a wife, top of the world, the flag of victory I unfurled, top of my game, you know it’s name, with a good wage, once talked to a sage, time, he said and that was all, just keep on walking, watch you don’t fall, even if you trip, shoot from the hip, blast with all you got, paintings, poems words to the wise, wait, but not for sure in vain, leave behind the pain, run like a willow would run, nice and slow easy as you go, weep all you want and cry and moan, you know what to do, pick up your phone, back then to the here and now, you’ll make it through somehow.
    Anthony Mc Gann,

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