Simple Simon

One Comment

  1. Posted March 23, 2022 at 3:24 pm | Permalink

    According to ;-
    A whim , I once had , a skittish moment caught in my memory, from way back when and then , a fly lands on my nose, writing in prose , that’s how it goes , I smell with my mind , my nostrils are blind , but the aroma was rising , in my eyes, then to my surprise , it was a Robin , his perfect song has me sobbin, nature has a voice , you got no choice , according to the notes and the rhythm, I’m with him in harmony and love , moments to treasure, not a rule but a measure , for ever , fast asleep never , awake to the real of it all , the tides and the grey seals call , cloudy skies then sunrise , money buys , morning time , then sit , this is it , enjoy every bit , the sidecar routine , as seen, according to the rules , laid down in order, life without border , then wake , for feck sake , I fell asleep again , when ?
    Anthony MC Gann.

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